Los días lunes 21 y martes 22 de enero se realizará el Seminario Internacional “Red Internacional para promover los avances en Dendrocronología en Sudamérica.
El evento se realizará en el Auditorio de Ingeniería Química (Av. Brasil 2162, 2° piso, Valparaíso) y es organizado por el Laboratorio de Dendrocronología y Estudios Ambientales del Instituto de Geografía de la PUCV.
Miércoles 21 de enero
9:00-9.30. Apertura Autoridad Investigación PUCV
9:30-10:00. “Frontiers in dendrochemistry in Chile". Dr. Ariel Muñoz, Laboratorio de Dendrocronología y Estudios Ambientales, Chile.
10:30-11:00. "“Current advances in dendroclimatology in Chile and future perspectives”. Dr. Duncan Christie, Laboratorio de Dendrocronología & Cambio Global, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
11:00-11:20. Coffee break
11:20-12:10. “Dendro-scientific research at the German Research Centre for GeoSciences -GFZ in Potsdam”. Dr. Gerhard Helle - GFZ Postdam, Alemania
12:10-13:00. “DendroGreif - Ecology meets Climatology at the Baltic Sea coast”. Dr. Tobias Scharnweber - University of Greifswald, Alemania
13:00-14:30. Lunch
14:30-15:20. “Dendroclimatology in temperate lowland: perspectives from central Europe”. Dr. C Daniel Balanzategui - GFZ Potsdam, Alemania
15:20-15:40. “The additional value of stable isotopes in Dendroclimatology” . Dr. Gerhard Helle. GFZ Potsdam, Germany
15:40-16:00. “Itrax microdensitometry and x-ray fluorescence - basics and applications” - Dr. Tobias Scharnweber
16:00-16-20. Coffee break
16:20-16:50. “Wood cells and big data: development and analysis of wood anatomical chronologies for dendroclimatological investigation”. Dr. C Daniel Balanzategui - GFZ Potsdam, Alemania
16:50-17:20. “Variations in the water use efficiency (iWUE) by the Araucaria araucana forests in the context of climate change”. Dra. Julieta Arco - Dr. Fidel Roig, IANIGLA, Argentina
17:20-17:50. “Isotope research of biogeochemical cycles: Examples from Chile to Antarctica". Dr. Francisco Fernando y Laboratorio de Análisis Isotópico, Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, Chile"
Martes 22 de enero
9:00-9:30. “Advances in tree-ring research in Southeastern South America: the potential of woody species from Uruguay for dendroclimatology and dendrohydrolog”. Dra. Christine Lucas, Polo de Desarrollo Universitario “Ecología Fluvial”, Universidad de la República.
9:30-10:00. “A d13C tree-ring record for the last 400 years in Patagonia: insights of past climate variability and physiological performance”. Dr. Fidel Roig, IANIGLA, Argentina.
10:00-10.30. “Network of tree-ring chronologies of Austrocedrus chilensis from Patagonia for the past 1000 years”. Dr. Hadad Martín, Laboratorio de Dendrocronología de Zonas Áridas (LaDeZA) CIGEOBIO (CONICET-UNSJ)"
10:30-11:00. “Dendrochemistry studies in the Mantaro basin, in the central Andes of Peru". Prof. Edilson Requena - Dr. Wilfredo Bulege, Universidad Continental, Perú.
Coffee break
11:00-11:30. “Wood Anatomy and Tree-Ring Laboratory of ESALQ, University of São Paulo, Brazil - advances and perspectives of research in tropical dendrochronology”. Dr. Mario Tomazello - University of São Paulo
11:30-12:00. “Recent advances in dendrochronology of (sub)tropical montane ecosystems in South America" - Dra. Maria Eugenia Ferrero -IANIGLA, Argentina.
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