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Conferencia de Dennis Dieks

El día martes 27 del presente mes a las 18:00 hrs se realizará la Conferencia de Dennis Dieks, en el Auditorio de Ingeniería Química. A continuación dejamos el abstract de la conferencia. 

"Time in Physics and Experience"

Dennis Dieks
History and Philosophy of Science, Utrecht University
Time is directly experienced as a continuous flow, characterized by a shifting "now". However,
within physics it is difficult to make sense of this intuition that time flows. Physicists therefore often
work with a "block universe" picture of space and time, without objective (observer-independent)
distinction between past, present and future. Opponents see this ''static'' theory of time as an
abstraction that neglects essential features. They consequently reject the block view and urge that
only a dynamical theory of time can do justice to time's nature.
In the talk I will review the arguments on both sides on a non-technical level. In particular, I will
discuss whether the block universe can accommodate our experience; and if so, whether it may be
as successful as the dynamic view. According to the dynamic view of time, time really flows; our
feeling of a flow is in this case simply a direct and faithful reflection of something happening in
physical reality. The block view might seem to be at a serious disadvantage here, as it must explain
our awareness of time flow from premises that do not admit a flow.